Thursday, February 13, 2014


today' grammar

today's article

12 easy, fast ways to save money 

7. Need new furniture? Before heading off to Ikea, check out, a site that offers decent secondhand furniture. Or, try your local listings for moving sales (oftentimes people are in a pinch and will sell items for “best offer” just to get rid of them).

8. Look for free work out offerings; Look up donation-based yoga studios in your area so you can pay what you can (instead of a normal $12-$20 per class). Similarly, many yoga, dance and Pilates studios offer new student incentives such as two weeks of classes for only $20. Can’t afford a personal trainer? Check out, where you can download personalized workouts for your iPod for as little as $7.99 a session. Other cheap options: Go for a hike in the fall foliage, jog outdoors or organize a game of touch football with friends (a great excuse to get them to invite single guys!). 

9. Always know exactly how much money you have on you, how much you spent. It will prevent mindless spending (and the shock when you realize you’re out). Also, plan out your day so you withdraw the money you need from your home bank, avoiding ATM fees.

10. Do your holiday shopping on the cheap by hunting down cool stuff at thrift and vintage shops where you can find heartwarming items for less than 20 bucks. Think music boxes, quirky costume jewelry, vintage postcards to frame or collectors’ plates. 

11. Go for home potlucks or bring-your-own-bottle parties, instead of eat-outs. Ask friends to come over with a bottle of wine for a game night on Saturday. Offering a simple, homemade dessert like cookies or a pie won’t cost more than a few bucks if you already have the basic ingredients on hand. If you absolutely have to get out, then organize a get-together at a bar with a happy hours special. Make the occasion more festive by creating a Facebook invite with a quirky theme like “International Talk Like a Pirate Day!” One more tip: check out, a site that lists events at bars with free booze in several cities including New York, Miami and Chicago.

12. Do more research. It might be painful to actually look at the breakdown of your expenses, but it’s the best way to cut down on costs. Check out David Bach’s book, “Smart Women Finish Rich,” which explains savings strategies in a totally understandable manner. Another great read is Suze Orman’s “Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny.” (Hint: you can probably get both used or at your local library instead of paying full price).

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