Monday, March 30, 2015

0331 - Facebook: Street Enamored of Messenger, Parse, Oculus

1. Enamor = to cause (someone) to be loved or admired — usually used in negative statements — usually + to
2. Parse =  to study (something) by looking at its parts closely : ANALYZE
3. Contemplate=  to think deeply or carefully about (something)
4. Gear = supplies, tools, or clothes needed for a special purpose
5. Reiterates = to repeat something you have already said in order to emphasize it
6. Morph = of an image on a screen : to gradually change into a different image
7. Hype = talk or writing that is intended to make people excited about or interested in something or someone
8. Rift = a situation in which two people, groups, etc., no longer have a friendly relationship
9. 9. Monetize = to convert (an asset) into cash, as by selling the asset or using it as security for a loan, to  convert into a source
10. Oculus = An oculus, plural oculi, from Latin oculus: eye, denotes a circular opening in the centre of a dome or in a wall.