Wednesday, April 1, 2015

0402 - Devices with feeling: new tech creates buttons and shapes in mid-air

Devices  with feeling: new tech creates buttons and shapes in mid – air
1. Ultra = beyond the range or limits of
2. Haptics =  is any form of interaction involving touch (from Greek ἅπτω = 'I fasten onto, I touch'). It can mean: Haptic communication, the means by which people and other animals communicate via touching. Haptic perception, the process of recognizing objects through touch.
3. Tactile = relating to the sense of touch
4. Ultrasound =  a method of producing images of the inside of the body by using a machine that produces sound waves which are too high to be heard
5. Suspended =  to make (something) invalid or ineffective for a usually short period of time
6. Readying = to prepare (someone or something)
7. Virtual =  existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet
8. Sleek = stylish and attractive
9. Reminiscent =  reminding you of someone or something else : similar to something else — often + of, example: It had a taste reminiscent of spinach.
10. Cues = to give (someone) a signal to do something during a performance
11. Demoed = demonstrate the capabilities of (software or equipment).
"Apple is expected to demo the newest version of its mobile operating system at the conference"