Friday, July 17, 2015

0717 - Silicon Valley: 'Centre of the universe' - but for how long?

1.trailblazing = (adj.) pioneering or innovative:
2.hippy =advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle
3.thrive =to grow strongly and vigorously
4.hub =A center of activity or interest; a focal point
5.surpass =To be greater than, as in degree or quality; exceed.
6.valuations= the estimation or acknowledgment of the worth of something:
7.muscling =To move or force with strength
8.proximity =The state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next; closeness
9.flock =to go in large numbers
10.contender= the contestant you hope to defeat
paranoia = fear of something

1.start-up = the act or fact of starting something; a setting in motion.
2.cutting –edge technology=The position of greatest advancement or importance; the forefront.